Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Its been time to move house for a while now, something I've not been keen on facing. I found a house the other day that suits what we're after, but it doesn't have the same energy as the place we're in now and I have been umming and aahing about it ever since. I was checking out the area today, and stopped into the farmers markets which is a short stroll up the road from said house. I've been having a bit of a crystal drought lately. I can normally walk into a crystal shop or stall and find at least one piece that 'speaks to me' but not for a while lately.

Well what do you know, there was a new lady selling crystals at the market this afternoon, with a lovely sprawling stall where I found these little beauties. The Selenite tower and clear quartz point are destined for my nephew Daynan, as he popped straight into my mind the second I touched them. (and he's always coveted my crystal collection) The others, a Smokey Quartz natural rod, and a glassy disfigured Smokey Quartz cluster with a touchy feely vibe, and an Amethyst cluster with what could be Ametrine inclusions.

A calm of sorts has settled on me since bringing home these pieces, and I think I have come to realise an empty house will never have the same energy as the place we've loved for the past 5 years of our lives. But it is pure potentiality. A cleansed crystal ready for a new imprint. Syncronicity at work?


  1. What a beautiful little omen from your possible new area.

    I hope this helps the decsion-making a little.


  2. ooooooooooooooooohhh!!!
    ooooooooooohhh I said and looked closer!
    Loving the quartz of course... that smokey looks like a gorgeous elestial happening there, you've made me want to go and play with crystals now!

    Yeah.... it will be sad to move on I'm sure, from a place you have made your haven and your home.... and you will fill your new home with your energy and your love, and it will be a reflection of the growth you and your husband have reached at this point in your journies... good luck with this move and this change, many blessings to you, from us XXXXX


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